?Signs It’s Time to Ask, R U OK
How do you know when it’s the right moment to reach out, show interest, and start a meaningful conversation?
It could be a colleague, a neighbour, or a close friend, someone you see often. Your gut tells you they’re not quite themselves lately. Yet, you hesitate, thinking:
- “Maybe it’s just me?”
- “No one’s doing great right now, so why ask?”
- “How do I know it’s the right time to step in?”
- “I don’t want to invade their privacy.”
- “If something was really wrong, wouldn’t they tell me?”
Sound familiar?
To help you tune into your instincts and recognise when to ask, here are some signs that it may be time to show interest and check in.
What Are They Communicating Verbally or Through Body Language?
Do they seem:
- Confused or distracted
- Sad, angry, or tearful
- Unable to relax
- Overwhelmed with worry about the future
- Concerned they’re a burden to others
- Lonely or isolated
- Speaking or behaving in uncharacteristic ways
- Expressing low self-esteem
- Feeling stuck or hopeless about changing a painful situation
What Are They Doing?
Have you noticed changes in their behavior, such as:
- Experiencing mood swings
- Withdrawing from activities or social connections
- Changing how they use social media – suddenly oversharing or going silent
- Losing interest in things they once enjoyed
- Struggling to concentrate
- Neglecting their appearance or hygiene
- Acting recklessly
- Showing changes in sleep patterns
- Consuming excessive media related to current events, such as war or politics

What’s Going On in Their Lives?
Are they dealing with:
- Strained relationships with family, friends, or colleagues
- Significant health issues
- Persistent stress from work, studies, or daily life
- Financial difficulties
- The loss of someone or something meaningful
Keep This in Mind:
These signs don’t always point to a crisis, nor does any single sign define a person’s emotional or mental state. Think of these as a compass – look at the context, duration, and intensity of what they’re experiencing.
If you recognise these signs or feel that something isn’t quite right, trust your instincts. Show interest. Start the conversation.
Is it time for an R U OK? call?